A time for everything...

There is a time for everything...

Mental health has and is the hardest thing I’ve had to deal with.  Having a constant inner battle with myself isn’t fun.  I do continue to keep my head above water and count my blessings on a daily basis.  I am thankful for keeping my shit somewhat together.

I haven’t blogged for what seems like forever.  I just wasn’t into it at all.  I kept saying there will be a time for it.  It’ll happen and come to me when I least expect it.  Here I am, sitting in a quiet room, ready to roll!

I’ve been up to quite a few changes recently.  Back to work, new counsellor, new medication, and trying to care for myself.  “Trying” being the key word as it’s been on and off again as usual.  Why do we struggle so much with something such as taking good care of our health and well being?  We are constantly doing everything else for everyone else, not taking ourselves into consideration.  Health issues or not, children or not, partner or not we all seem to put ourselves last!  I am here to report, today October 23, 2018, I pledge to myself, I will prioritize my health and my well being.  Today was especially enlightening for me.  As my Facebook memories presented themselves, low and behold a picture of myself after running my first 5km race!  I didn’t run my best, but I ran!  I had that accomplishment under my belt for the very first time, 2 years ago today.  It was a great reminder that there is indeed a time for everything!  Today was my reminder, my time.  Today I choose to take care of myself.  So signing off until my next entry.  Take care of yourselves everyone, you’re worth it!  

“Carve out and claim the time to care for yourself and kindle your own fire.” 


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